15 common mistakes made in DMM/DBS

The following are some common mistakes made in DMM and DBS. They are not listed in any particular order and, depending on the situation, may result in a variety of outcomes. Thankfully, God is able to work through us, despite our mistakes. Please comment with any additional ones that should be added to the list and/or any stories of how to deal with these common mistakes.

  1. Not allowing enough time for the discovery process,
  2. Inviting others based on worldly credentials (family, education, etc),
  3. Not addressing a participant’s lack of participation after multiple visits, 
  4. Misidentifying a Person of Peace (PoP),
  5. Not connecting service/compassion work to PoP search activities,
  6. Not recognizing a PoP’s natural circle of influence (a.k.a. oikos)
  7. Permitting or encouraging teaching/preaching rather than the discovery process,
  8. Attempting to introduce Christ before He introduces Himself,
  9. Assuming that multiplication will happen without intentional planning,
  10. Failing to pray, encourage, and keep each other accountable,
  11. Having a hidden agenda or failing to recognize others’ hidden agendas,
  12. Assuming that we know how to help someone rather than asking them directly,
  13. Insisting that participants adopt our spiritual development goals rather than meeting them where they are,
  14. Using outside materials or other passages to supplement the scriptures,
  15. Not rotating the facilitator role so that everyone has the opportunity to practice.