
Thanks in advance for giving a love gift to Hope Brokers, a ministry of Faith and Learning. Faith and Learning is a tax-exempt non-profit and a member of the Evangelical Financial Council of Accountability (EFCA).

All donations to Hope Brokers are received and processed by Faith and Learning, so please make sure that any checks follow the instructions below.

Donation Instructions:

The Faith and Learning mailing address for your donations is:

P.O. Box 480, Wheaton, IL 60187

Donations need to be made out to Faith and Learning with “Hope Brokers” in the memo line. Please DO NOT make checks out to Hope Brokers as this will likely result in the check being returned to you.

Note: Credit card donations also have an additional fee of approximately 3% so you may wish to make your donation by check or electronic check online for the most efficient use of their funds.