I helped my friend, Mary Skelton, who has partnered with me on the Repentance and Reconciliation DBS series, to launch a new blog called Pray Thru the Bible. As I was was loading content for this site, I immediately recognized the simplicity of her concept – read a chapter of scripture and then form a prayer that responds to it. I have been familiar with the practice of praying through scripture, but haven’t used it frequently.
I suggested a tagline “God speaks and we respond” for Mary’s blog and that resonated with her right away. We used the heading of “God speaks” for the scripture portion and “We Respond” for the prayer portion. This got me thinking…
Isn’t this the essence of a relationship with God – He speaks and we respond? So simple and yet, so powerful. This pattern seems to be the underlying approach of Discovery Bible Study (DBS) too. We read the Word of God, we discover His truth, and then we respond by taking steps of obedience.
How have you seen this pattern play out in your own life? How has God spoken to you through His Word and how has that prompted you to respond in faith?