A few months ago, a friend shared some ideas with me on how to develop a personal testimony and present the gospel using one’s left hand as a visual. It was fairly basic and seemed useful but, at the time, I was working on starting the Creation to Christ DBS series and my thinking was that someone going through the series would discover God through the readings and discussion and eventually understand the basic principles of the gospel as they unfold. What I failed to anticipate is that some may be ready to hear the gospel message and, in that case, my testimony and gospel presentation may be needed sooner.
Later, while I was recording the podcast for the story of Noah’s flood, my observations were that 1) God had a detailed plan of salvation for Noah and his family (the ark), 2) that God made a covenant/promise (to refrain from destroying the world with a flood), and 3) God provided a sign/seal that was a reminder of his promise (the rainbow).
These three observations were foreshadowing of 1) God’s plan of salvation for the world (through Jesus), the new covenant/promise (to give us eternal life), and 3) God’s seal (through His Holy Spirit). These connections brought my attention back to the need for a prepared testimony and an easy-to-remember gospel presentation, so I went back to the ideas shared with me and recorded this podcast episode. The objective of this recording is to serve as a training tool to help others develop their personal testimony and present the gospel in a clear and concise manner.
Note: To download the training aid provided by AIM Trainers, please click on the Notes link under the podcast player above.